Alexander Rothaug

Eve Contemplating the Apple

pencil and chalk on paper


Alexander Rothaug (Vienna 1870-1946 Vienna)

Eve (Eva) Contemplating the Apple

pencil and chalk in black and white on grey vellum paper

titled in pencil upper right: "Eva"

inscribed in pencil lower right with the name and address of the artist's model: "Grete ... XII B Korbergasse 6. ...."

Pencil and chalk in black and
white on grey and brownish vellum

The Daulton Collection 


ex coll. artist Ernst Fuchs, Vienna


"Rothaug has his models pose in expressive gestures so that expression and posture can be examined in detail in drawings, usually in the margin with small additional studies of body construction or composition."  B

["In expressiver Gestik lässt Rothaug seine Modelle posieren, um Ausdruck und Haltung detailgenau zeichnerisch untersuchen zu können, meist im Rand mit kleinen zusätzlichen Studien zur Körperkonstruktion oder zur Komposition."]  B





The Daulton Collection