Rainer Maria Rilke

Letter to Oskar Zwintscher 

from Worpswede

15 January 1902


Rainer Maria Rilke (Prague 1875-1926 Valmont Sanatorium, near Montreux, Switzerland)

Letter to Oskar Zwintscher from Worpswede

four-page autograph letter

ink on paper, written on a folded sheet

8vo (3 x 4 inches)


dated 15 January 1902 

ink note at upper right of first page in unknown hand: Nr. 3

short closed separations at folds

The Daulton Collection



Autograph Letter Signed, to painter Oskar Zwintscher ("My dear Mr Zwintscher"), in German, inviting him to spend the winter at the vacant house of a neighbor, with small ink drawing. The letter, renewing an earlier invitation to visit, offering a small furnished house and nearby artist's studio. The drawing, a diagram showing the floor plan of the house and adjacent street names, at lower edge of second page.

"In a small house . . . three rooms, well appointed by Heinrich Vogeler, are continuously at your and your wife's [Adele's] disposal if you . . . still think about coming here. . . .

"Upstairs is a large room that was once an artist's studio . . . . I will try to draw it as well as I can. Thus: [drawing]

". . . [I]f the dining room appears too dark for you to use as a studio . . . . [y]ou would then have to use a studio outside the house, about 10 minutes away, in Worpswede, which we would provide to you at no cost, just like the house.

". . . I can hardly tell you how happy all of us would be if you both would move into this little house and be our neighbors for a while. Worpswede is so grey and deserted now with its snowed-over loneliness; its wintry deep silence would certainly be good for you.

". . . I tell you from my heart, come! . . ."

view of another page from the letter:



The Daulton Collection