Fritz Schwimbeck



oil on wood panel

Between 1933 and 1943, in the Nueue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) idiom, Fritz Schwimbeck created at least four closely-related, still-life paintings (oil on wood panel) of a strange potted cactus on an oriental rug.  The Daulton Collection owns two of these paintings.

Fritz Schwimbeck (1889-1972)

"Symbolist Cactus" ("Still-Life of Flowering Cactus on Oriental Rug")


oil on wood panel

60 x 50 cm

signed and dated

Fritz Schwimbeck (1889-1972)

"Still-Life of Flowers in a Vase (with Self-Portrait)"

circa 1930

oil on wood panel

58 x 50 cm

signed lower right "F. Schwimbeck"

The Daulton Collection

A self-portrait of the artist appears in the reflection on the surface of the glass vase.

Fritz Schwimbeck
Symbolist Cactus
(Blühender Kaktus vor einem Teppich)
(Still-Life of Blooming Cactus on an Oriental Rug)
oil on wood panel
61 x 50 cm
signed and dated 1933
The Daulton Collection

Exhibition History:
Große Münchener Kunstausstellung in der Neuen Pinakothek (Glaspalast)

One of two copies by the artist; the other copy, also in The Daulton Collection, is the first painting shown above on this webpage.

Jack Daulton
The Daulton Collection