Eric Johansson

Portrait of artist Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler

c. 1920, chalk drawing


Eric Johansson (Dresden 1896– 1979 Lövbruna/ Gard, Sweden)


Portrait of the artist Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler (Dresden 1899 - 1940 Pirna-Sonnenstein)


c. 1920

color chalk drawing on gray paper 

44 x 67 cm (full sheet; above view is cropped)

verso with a sketch of a woman's head

The Daulton Collection

condition: two holes in the left leaf half; bottom edge of sheet irregularly cut, with small tear; sheet edge discolored and creased; sheet folded in middle, with crease mark and compression.

Provenance: Estate of the Artist (Nachlass des Künstlers)

view of full sheet:
verso, cropped view:
verso, view of full sheet:



Jack Daulton

The Daulton Collection