Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach


oil on paper on board


Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach (1851-1913)


after 1896

oil on paper laid down on board

image 43,1 x 82,9 cm 

frame 74 x 110 cm

The Daulton Collection

Dr. Claudia Wagner has confirmed this work's authenticity based on her examination of the original.


Publication History:

Claudia Wagner, Der Kuenstler Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach (1851-1913), Meister und Mission, diss. 2007, Werkkatalog.


For a related Diefenbach painting of the same subject with a nearly identical conposition, see Hermann Müller, ed., Himmelhof: Urzelle der Alternativbewegung, Wien 1897-1899 (Recklinghausen, Germany: Umbruch-Verlag, 2018), pg. 44; see also Michael Buhrs, ed., Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach (1851-1913) Lieber sterben, als meine Ideale verleugnen! (Munich: Museum Villa Stuck and Edition Minerva, 2009), pg. 49, ill. 34.

view with frame:



The Daulton Collection
